All photography by @camm_eng

Location: Calgary, Alberta and the Rocky Mountains
Instagram Handle: @jul.wil

Mountains or Ocean? Mountains, always the mountains.
Favourite spot to do a day-trip? My favourite spot for a day trip is Two Jack Lake. One of my favourite places to watch the sunrise and the sunset, and admire all the mountains I'll climb!
Favourite artist or song you have on repeat? Ophelia - The Lumineers. Something about that song always gets me.

Favourite place in the world? The mountains. I'm so lucky to be able to drive out after work and watch the sunset in the mountains, or wake up at 3am to drive out for sunrise. Sometimes I feel like the mountains is the only place I can feel truly at home.
What's on your travel bucket list? Everywhere - but lately Norway is calling me.
Favourite creatives or IG accounts right now? Always inspired by @braedin